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Results found: 601 [<<300<<] | 1-601 |
Extreme Gaming Computer [3.5 Ghz Core 2 Quad, 4 GB DDR3, Dual 9800 GTs in SLI]
13-12-2008 10:19 by Trade Point via Price: 1 899 CAD $
Offering: Computers for sale, Accessories for sale in Canada, Regina ... View detailed ...

Must See! Only a few months old, ultra high end XPS 730 system from dell. This state of the art system currently costs $3200+ from Dell, $4700+ from Alienware, and about $2800 from NCIX to buy the parts (checked 10/11/08). This system features state of the art components, and is fully upgradeable. The computer is under warranty, with Next Day on site support from Dells XPS team.

Results found: 601 [<<300<<] | 1-601 |

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