Looking for Furnished Apartment in Regina? - Regina - Apartments for rent, Regina - 2616425


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Looking for Furnished Apartment in Regina? - Apartments for rent

Ref. number: 2616425 Updated: 05-02-2018 07:48

Price: 950 CAD $

Offering: Apartments for rent in Canada, Regina

Seeking for comfortable and well-furnished Apartment in Regina. Let Mainstreet helps you with its own series of highly furnished rental apartment at most suitable locations of Regina. These apartments are newly renovated and enriched with all necessary to basic amenities. To know more about Regina apartments for rent, call or email the contact our leasing agent: reginacentral@mainst.biz / 306-450-4138. https://mainst.biz/apartments/regina

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First name: Mary
Last name: Anne
Phone number: 780-266-0702
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