Good Stability DC Power Economy Red Cross Laser Alignment - Regina - Industrial Tools & Equipment, Regina - 3179205


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Good Stability DC Power Economy Red Cross Laser Alignment - Industrial Tools & Equipment

Ref. number: 3179205 Updated: 14-01-2025 11:01

Price: 49 CAD $

Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Canada, Regina

Without any professional skills training, only if economy red cross laser alignment gets constant electric power source from a 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, it begins to work with constant red laser beam and red cross line projection from beam aperture. It gets basic use of cooling system and APC, ACC driving circuit board inside a durable housing tube, it enables quite easy carrying, good beam stability and long time lasting red vertical and horizontal lines generation in use. This red alignment laser gets good direction, high brightness and highly straight red cross lines within great distance of 25 meters. It brings users instinctive observation during various cross line measuring works. In various industrial and high tech work fields, after its correct use of output power and freely adjusted laser beam focus and cross line projecting direction, it is able to provide users good stability and high precision cross line measurement under various lighting occasion and environments. Applications: building construction, laser alignment for screen printing system, laser medical therapy, military targeting, high tech

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Contact information
First name: Berlin
Last name: Summer
Phone number: 02185068158
Mobile number: 02185068158
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